
Beata Siepietowska
Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy

Test gramatyczno-leksykalny sprawdzający znajomość gramatyki i słownictwa na poziomie średniozaawansowanym

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Test gramatyczno - leksykalny sprawdzający znajomość gramatyki i słownictwa na poziomie średniozaawansowanym.

I. Przekształć podane zdania:

1. We won't be able to get home if they don't give us a lift.

2. Please don't go there alone!
I'd. ..........................go there alone.

3. He didn't study law. That's why he isn't a rich man now.

4. Why are they laughing so loudly?
I wish...........................

5. I'm not a princess so I can't marry a prince.
If. ..............................

6. Both printers were out of order.
Neither. ...........................working.

7. "I won't go to that stupid meeting", said Bob.
Bob refused..................

8. No one expected the last guest.
The last guest. ...................

9. People think that someone killed him.
It. .......................................killed.

10. I forgot my umbrella and got awfully wet in the rain.
If I..................................

11. We hired a gardener to tidy the garden.
We. ....................................by a gardener.

12. It wasn't necessary for her to pay for this.
She. ........................................for this.

II. Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź:

1. Bath is a famous European holiday..............
a) camp
b) resort
c) hotel
d) accommodation

2. John is a regular....................... at this bookshop.
a) customer
b) diner
c) guest
d) passenger

3. The museum is. ................ next to the planetarium.
a) situated
b) placed
c) put
d) stood

4. Jane,............is sitting over there, is a photographer.
b) whose
c) who
d) who's

5. She. ................. that it was raining when she opened the window.
a) faced
b) decided
c) realized
d) understood

6. Everybody. ............... to the door when they realized there was a fire in the restaurant.
a) floated
b) rushed
c) wandered
d) burst

7. She. ............. the heavy traffic for her late arrival.
a) accused
b) blamed
c) charged
d) complained

8. Milk is. ...........in vitamins and proteins.
a) plenty
b) well-off
c) full
d) rich

9. On the way to France we. ....... in Germany for two days.
a) broke
b) stopped
c) paused

10. They picked up a colourful travel...............at the travel agent's.
a) handout
b) brochure
c) leaflet
d) prospectus

11. I'll stay with the company for only four weeks. It's a............. job.
a) permanent
b) full - time
c) overtime
d) temporary

12. The Chinese workers accused the company of racial. ....................
a) opinion
b) beliefs
c) judgement

III. Uzupełnij zdania słowami utworzonymi od podanych obok wyrazów:

1. The club is so. ............. that it only allows millionaires to join. (exclude)
2. They had a very happy. ............. which lasted for many years. (relate)
3. He is a stockbroker so he knows a lot about. ............matters. (finance)
4. The lecture went on and on. It was. .............................(end)
5. Pat is a. .............. who writes mainly about politics. (journal)
6. Can you tell me............. what it is about? (rough)

IV. Wstaw odpowiedni przyimek:

1. I prefer traveling by train.................taking the bus in the morning because I always get.............the office much earlier.
2. Mr Dakin is an example.............. a good teacher, whenever his pupils ask. .......... help, he sits down and explains things to them.
3. Bill was so fed up. ........... his job that he decided to find a more interesting one.
4. Don't forget to remind Liz. .............her appointment this afternoon - it's. ............ five o'clock.
5. The south coast of Spain is popular..............British holidaymakers because Britain is lacking. ..................sunshine.
6. John was terrified. ............ animals, so in order to help him deal with his fear, his mother took him to psychiatrist.


1. Unless they give us a lift, we won't be able to get home.
2. I'd rather you didn't go there alone.
3. If he had studied law, he would be a rich man now.
4. I wish they weren't laughing/ wouldn't laugh so loudly.
5. If I were. ........, I could/ would be able to marry a prince.
6. Neither of the printers was working.
7. Bob refused to go to that stupid meeting.
8. The last guest wasn't expected.
9. It is thought that he was killed.
10. If I hadn't forgotten.........: I wouldn't have got so awfully wet.........
11. We had the garden tidied by a gardener.
12. She needn't have paid for this.

1b; 2a; 3a; 4c; 5c 6b; 7b; 8d; 9a; 10b; 11d; 12c.

1. exclusive
2. relationship
3. financial
4. endless
5. journalist

1. to; to
2. of; for
3. with
4. about/of; at
5. with; in
6. of


Zad. nr 1. - 12 pkt
Zad. nr 2. - 12 pkt
Zad. nr 3 - 6 pkt
Zad. nr 4 - 10 pkt

Suma punktów za poszczególne zadania wynosi 40.

0 - 20 - ndst
20,5 - 24 - dop
25 - 29 - dst
30- 35 - db
36 - 38 - bdb
39 -40 - cel

Opracowanie: mgr Beata Siepietowska

Wyświetleń: 5051

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