
Joanna Rówińska, 2016-06-07
Nowy Sącz

Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy

test okresy warunkowe

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Student: ______________________________ Score: _______/34
I. Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the verbs in brackets. Use 1st or 2nd conditional.
( ________/16)
1. If I ________________________ (have) wings, I _______________________ (not/have to) take an airplane to travel from place to place.
2. If I _____________________ (be) lonely, I _____________________ (be) unhappy. Fortunately, I have got many friends.
3. If the weather ________________ (be) fine, we _____________ (go) swimming tomorrow.
4. If I ____________________ (have) a lot of money, I ________________ (buy) a house. But I don’t have enough money.
5. When my father _________________ (come) back home, he ________________ (watch) TV.
6. If Kate ___________________ (can) speak French, she __________________ (work) in France. But she speaks only English.
7. They ________________ (play) football if they _________________ (have) enough time after lessons.
8. What ______________ you ______________ (do) if you _________1_____ (have) only one year to live.
II. Finish the sentences. ( ________/10)
1. If I found someone’s wallet in the street _______________________________________
2. Kate will do her homework if ________________________________________________
3. Mary would visit me if ______________________________________________________
4. If someone gave me 1000zl, _________________________________________________
5. If Susan has time, __________________________________________________________
III. Correct the mistakes. ( ________/8)
1. If Mary smoke too much she will have cancer. _____________________________________________
2. If I am you, I would go to the doctor. _____________________________________________________
3. Mary would play tennis when she finishes classes. __________________________________________
4. When I were an astronaut, I would take my camera with me on the rocket ship. __________________
5. If I felt better tomorrow, I will go on a trip. ________________________________________________
6. Mary will know what to do if she were me. ________________________________________________
7. It says ‘No Parking’. If you leave the car here, the police would give you a fine. ___________________
8. If I sees a dangerous snake, I would scream. _______________________________________________
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