
Joanna Bucka, 2016-05-31

Język angielski, Konkursy


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Konkurs języka angielskiego
‘English is Fun’

I Complete the sentences with PRESENT SIMPLE or PRESENT CONTINUOUS:

1. Susan usually ………………. (go) to school by bus, but now she …………………….. (go) to school by train.
2. Mary often ……………….. (read) in bed, but today she is very tired and she ………………………. (not / read).
3. The boys usually ………………… (ride) their bikes to school. They ……………. ………………… (like / ride) their bikes. They ……………… (be) very naughty boys. They always …………………… (go) to school late. Today their teacher …………………. (be) very angry, because they ………………… (be) late again.
4. Mary ……………………….. (like / eat) sweets. Every morning she ……………. (have) coffee with a lot of sweets and chocolate. For lunch she and her friends often ……………….. (eat) sweets or ice-cream. She ……………………… (not / like / eat) fruit or vegetables. She ……………………… (eat / never) eggs or cheese. Today she ………………….. (be) sick. She …………………… (sleep) in her room now.
II Complete these sentences in the PAST SIMPLE TENSE, using the correct verb:

* play * enjoy * watch * listen * talk * phone

* stop * walk * travel * like * stay

I watched the late film on TV last night.

1. We really ………………….. the concert last night. It was great!
2. She ………………… with friends in Brighton last summer.
3. Italy ………………… very well in the last World Cup.
4. Her parents ………………….. by train from Shanghai to Moscow.
5. I ………………….. you four times last night but you were out.
6. We …………………. along the beach yesterday. It was lovely.
7. She …………………. the film but she didn’t like the music.
8. The men ………………….. work at exactly one o’clock.
9. I ……………………. to the new Sting album yesterday. It’s great.
10. They ………………… to us about their trip to Madagaskar. It was very interesting.
III Fill in the blanks with a correct form, the PAST SIMPLE or the PAST CONTINUOUS:

1. He ………………………………….. (talk) with Mary, when Mrs. Smith came in.
2. They ………………………………… (study) two hours last night.
3. Jane …………………………………. (sleep) when the telephone rang.
4. As I …………………………………. (walk) to the lab, I met my friend.
5. We ………………………………….. (watch) TV last night.
6. The customer ………………………… (pay) his cheque when he dropped his credit card.
7. The barber …………………………………. (cut) my hair yesterday.
8. She ………………………………. (dance) when she hurt her ankle.
9. It …………………………………. (rain) hard when I got up.
10. It …………………………………. (rain) hard last night.

IV Put the verbs in the correct tense. Use the PAST SIMPLE or the PRESENT PERFECT:

1. ……………………….. Tim ………………………. (finish) his work yet?
2. ……………………….. he ………………………… (finish) it yesterday?
3. They ……………………………………. (just / go) out.
4. They ……………………………… (go) out a minute ago.
5. …………………… Ann …………………………. (study) yesterday afternoon?
6. …………………… you …………………………. (send) the letters yet?
7. …………………… she ………………………….. (call) him a week ago?
8. They ………………………………………. (not / see) the film yet.
9. The train ……………………………………………… (just / arrive).
10. ………………………. you ……………………………. (ever / be) in a TV studio?
11. …………………… you and Tom ………………………… (enjoy) the party last night?
12. …………………… you ………………………………. (not / finish) school last year?
13. I ………………………………………. (lose) my dictionary. I can’t find it anywhere.
14. His hair looks short. He ………………………………………….. (have) a haircut.
15. When ………………………………………………. (he / give up) smoking?
V.Fill in WILL or BE GOING TO:

1. A: Why do you need so much sugar?
B: I ……………………………………… make a cake.
2. A: Oh no! I’ve left my purse at home and I haven’t got any money on me!
B: Don’y worry. I …………………………………………. lend you some.
3. A: I don’t know how to use this mixer.
B: That’s OK. I ………………………………….. show you.
4. A: Did you remember to buy the magazine I asked for?
B: Sorry, I didn’t. I …………………………………. buy it when I go out again.
5. A: These bags are very heavy. I can’t lift them.
B: I ………………………………… carry them for you.
6. A: I hear you’re going to Leeds University in September.
B: Yes, I ……………………………………. study French and German.
VI Read the passage and answer TRUE (T) or FALSE (F):

Janet Johnson is a film actress. She made several animal films. She is talking about an elephant called HEKIMA.
“I met Hekima when I went to Africa seven years ago. We were in Tanzania and we were making a film about elephants. When we arrived, we saw three young elephants. They were playing together. Hekima was small, friendly and intelligent. We called her Hekima because it means “wisdom”. Hekima was a great actress, and the film made her famous. After we finished the film we left Africa. I thought I’d never see Hekima again. But she left Africa, too. She came to a zoo in the USA. I was working in New York when I heard about that. She was happy when she saw me. She was playing happily. I think she remembered me.”

1. Janet went to Africa seven years ago. …………..
2.Janet was making a film in Europe. …………..
3.The elephants weren’t playing when they arrived. …………..
4.One elephant was called Hekima because she was friendly. …………..
5.Hekima was in a zoo in the USA while Janet was working in New York. …………..
6.Hekima was playing when Janet went to see her. .………….

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