
Anna Hołub, 2014-08-26

Język angielski, Wypracowania

List nieformalny i formalny - przydatne zwroty

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List prywatny (nieformalny)
Wspomniane pięć obligatoryjnych elementów to:
*Zwrot grzecznościowy typowy dla listu prywatnego
-Dear (imię)
Bez względu na polecenie, jakie mamy realizować, możemy na początku nawiązać do ostatnio otrzymanego listu, przeprosić za to, że sami nie pisaliśmy od jakiegoś czasu, zapytać się, co słychać:
-Thank you for your recent letter.
-It was good to hear from you recently.
-At the beginning of my letter I want to greet you warmly.
-I'm sorry I haven't written for such a long time.
-I'm fine, and how are you?
-I hope you and your family are doing fine.
*Realizacja "kropek" w poleceniu
-Listen, did I tell you about ...
-This is just to let you know that ...
-I'm writing to apologise for missing your birthday party but I'm afraid I was with flu.
-I'm really sorry that I forgot to send you a birthday card but I was busy with my new job.
-If you let me know(daj mi znać) where you bought it/how much it cost I'll gladly(chętnie) pay for it/replace it.
-Please let me know how much the bill is and I'll gladly pay it.
-I'm having a party on Friday 19th and I hope you'll be able to come.
-Would you like to come to see 'WTC' with me at the weekend.
-Could you let me know if you can come?
-Thank you very much for your invitation. I'd love to come.
-Thank you for asking/inviting me to ... but I'm afraid I won't be able to ...
-I'm writing to ask for you if you could do me a favour(przysługa).
-I'd be very grateful if you could ...
-I'm writing to thank you for your wonderful present.
-Congratulations on passing your excellent exam results!
Sugestie, rekomendacje
-Maybe you could ...?
-Do visit somewhere
-Don't forget to do sth (nie zapomnij )
-People say that ...
-I hope that you write to me.
-I'm waiting for your e-mail.
-This is my e-mail XYZ.
-Greetings for you and your family.
-Once again, thank you for all your help.
Zwrot grzecznościowy typowy dla listu prywatnego
-Yours, (Lot sof love)

List formalny
-Dear Mr (nazwisko), -Dear Sir, -Dear Madam, -Dear Sir or Madam, -Dear Mr and Mrs Kowalski.
-I am writting to enquire about - Piszę z zapytaniem o....
-My name is XYZ and I am a student at the XYZ high school in XYZ.
*Realizacja "kropek" w poleceniu
Uzyskiwanie informacji
-I would be grateful if...
-Could you...?
-Could you tell me something about...?
-I'm interesting your advertisement.
-I would be interested in having more details about...
Nawiązywanie do otrzymanego listu
-Regarding... (odnośnie)
-Concerning... (dotyczący)
-As far as (the theatre) is/are concerned,there is/are - Jeśli chodzi (teatr) to tam jest/są
-With regard to... (odnośnie do...)
Skarga, reklamacja
-I am writing to complain about...
-I want to express my strong dissatisfaction with ... - Chcę wyrazić swoje głębokie niezado. z ...
-I would be grateful if you could consider a full refund of 100 pounds. Byłbym wdzięczny, gdybyście Państwo mogli rozważyć całkowity zwrot pieniędzy w wysokości...
-I hope you will replace the CD. Niemniej mam nadzieję, że wymienicie Państwo CD.
-I demand a full refund. - Żądam całkowitego zwrotu.
-I would be delighted to attend ... - Byłoby mi niezmiernie miło uczestniczyć w ...
-I am afraid I am unable to attend .. - Obawiam się, że nie będę mógł uczesnitczyć....
-I would like to apologie for ... - Chciałbym przeprosić za
-I look forward to receiving your reply.
-I look forward to hearing from you soon.- Czekam z niecierpliwością na Waszą szybką odp.
-Please contact me if you have any further questions.
Zwrot grzecznościowy typowy dla listu formalnego
Yours sincerely - (Gdy Dear Mr Kowalski)
Przedstawianie kolejnych argumentów:
1. To begin with – na początek – To begin with, you have to remember that…
2. First of all/ firstly/ secondly – przede wszystkim/ po pierwsze/ po drugie – Firstly, it’s not true that…
3. As for – co do – As for functions, there are all of them.
4. As regards – co się tyczy – As regards the introduced options, they are very useful.
5. Then – poza tym, następnie – I agree and then there is another aspect.
6. Besides – zresztą, oprócz tego – It’s too long and besides I don’t like the author’s style.
7. What is more – co więcej – His attitude is wrong and what’s more, he seems to be a layman.
8. Further – co więcej – Further, the author has to reconsider his claims.
9. Furthermore – ponadto – Furthermore, I neglect such a view.
10. Moreover – ponadto – The idea is not reasonable and moreover it’s unreal.
11. Thus – tak więc – Thus, the whole project cannot be implemented.
12. Thereby – tym samym – He broke all the rules and thereby, he was expelled.
13. Therefore – dlatego (też) – Profits, therefore, were down last time.
14. Because – ponieważ – I argue with you because you are completely wrong.
15. Since – ponieważ – I decided to write it since I was asked to do so.
16. As – gdyż –As you always come too late, I decided not to wait for you.
17. Accordingly – z tego powodu, w związku z tym – He won the election and accordingly he became a chairman.
18. In consequence – w konsekwencji – He did it and in consequence he was on time.
19. Hence – stąd, w związku z tym, dlatego też – He had credentials and hence they employed him.
Wyrażanie opinii:
20. I would say that – powiedziałbym, że – I would say that such a view is unacceptable.
21. It seems to me that – wydaje mi się, że – It seems to me that his arguments are difficult to prove.
22. In my opinion – moim zdaniem – In my opinion, it is not worth its price.
23. I am of the opinion that – jestem zdania, że – I am of the opinion that it is impossible.
24. I am of the view that – uważam, że – I am of the view that it is very probable.
25. As for – co do, jeśli chodzi o – As for me, I would have done it.
26. To my mind – według mnie – To my mind, it is nonsense.
27. As far as I know – Z tego, co wiem – As far as I know it works in a different way.
28. As far as I am concerned – jeśli o mnie chodzi – As far as I am concerned they can do what they want.
29. According to (sb) – według (kogoś innego niż ja) – According to the author…
30. I reckon (that) – uważam, że – I reckon these allegations are unjustified.
31. I opine (that) – uważam, że – I opine that such a statement is ridiculous.
32. I hold the view that – reprezentuję pogląd/zdanie, że –I hold the view that it cannot be correct.
33. From sb’s standpoint – z czyjegoś punktu widzenia – Try to think of it from my standpoint.
34. I think (that) – uważam, że – I think the authors exaggerate.
35. I have every reason to believe that – mam wszelkie powody, by sądzić, że –I have every reason to believe that it could not happen for real.
36. Judging from/by – sądząc po – Judging from the facts it is possible.
37. I suppose (that) – sądzę, że – I suppose he did not consider the elementary rules.
38. I guess (that) – zgaduję, że – I guess he wrote it himself.
39. I claim (that) – twierdzę/utrzymuję, że – He claims he followed the instructions.
40. I assert that – twierdzę/zapewniam, że – I assert that the thesis is to be substantiated.
41. I maintain (that) – upieram się/obstaję przy tym, że – He maintained his innocence.
42. I consider sb (to be) – uważam kogoś za – I consider the author (to be) a great novelist.
43. I believe (that) – sądzić, uważać, przypuszczać – I believe (that) this conclusion is legitimate.
44. I am convinced that - jestem przekonany, że – I am convinced that it may happen.
Zgadzanie się:
45. I agree – zgadzam się – I agree with you.
46. I accept – akceptuję – I accept these arguments.
47. Be correct – zgadzać się, być prawidłowym – Your thinking is correct.
48. Tally with – zgadzać się z – It tallies with my calculations.
49. Be positive – być przekonanym – He is positive that they did it.
50. Confirm – potwierdzać – I confirm his arguments.
51. Approve of – aprobować – I approve of his conclusions.
52. Support – popierać – I support the solution he suggested.
53. I am in sympathy with sb – popieram kogoś – I am in sympathy with the author.
54. I sympathise with – popieram – I sympathise with his opinion.
Niezgadzanie się:
55. I disagree – nie zgadzam się – I disagree with you.
56. I protest against – protestuję przeciwko – I protest against such behaviour.
57. Reject – odrzucać, nie akceptować – I reject this ideology.
58. I negate – neguję – I negate such thinking.
59. Disapprove of – nie pochwalać, potępiać – I disapprove of such thinking.
60. Oppose – sprzeciwiać się – I had to openly oppose him because he was completely wrong.
61. Object – sprzeciwiać się – I object to be called in such a way.
62. I differ with sb – nie zgadzam się z kimś – I differ with him on this issue.
Precyzowanie danej myśli:
63. What I mean is that – chcę powiedzieć, że – What I mean is that it is not going to be easy.
64. I mean (to say) – to znaczy – His approach is inappropriate, I mean (to say) it lacks theoretical basis.
65. What I am getting at is (that) – chodzi mi o to, że – What I am getting at is (that) you are not being realistic.
66. The point is (that) – chodzi o to, że – The point is (that) I just cannot agree.
67. In other words – inaczej mówiąc- In other word, the software is full of bugs.
68. That is to say – to znaczy, czyli – Sociolinguistics, that is to say the study of a language in a society is often underestimated.
69. Make oneself clear – wyrażać się jasno – I will make myself clear.
70. I will put it this way – ujmę to w ten sposób – I will put it this way, If you want to succeed you have to concentrate on your goals.
Wyrażanie różnic:
71. Actually – faktycznie, w rzeczywistości – It is a well known fact, actually.
72. In fact – faktycznie, de facto – In fact, I am completely against your suggestion.
73. In a way – w pewnym sensie – I know your thinking is not correct, but in a way, I can understand such reasoning.
74. To a certain extent – do pewnego stopnia – I agree with the author to a certain extent, but…
75. Anyway – w każdym razie, tak czy inaczej – anyway, I think that…
76. As a rule – z reguły – As a rule, he is never wrong.
77. On the one hand – z jednej strony – On the one hand, it is what I need.
78. On the other hand – z drugiej strony – On the other hand, it is too complicated.
79. Still – jednak – The novel is hard to read; still, it is interesting.
80. Yet – jednak, mimo to – She is not a mathematician and yet her skills are amusing.
81. However – jednak(że) – I usually drink coffee. Today, however, I am having a cup of tea.
82. On the contrary – przeciwnie – He is not tall, on the contrary, he is really short.
83. In spite of – (po)mimo – In spite of evidence, they did not believe him.
84. Nevertheless – pomimo to, niemniej jednak – Nevertheless, it is still valued by scholars.
85. Nonetheless - pomimo to, niemniej jednak – Nonetheless, it is important to him.
86. Notwithstanding – jednakże, mimo wszystko, mimo to – He is a decent man, notwithstanding I do not like him.
87. In contrast to/with – w odróznieniu od – In contrast to his father he is very famous.
88. But – (a) mimo to, (a) jednak – The story is strange but true.
89. But then (again) – ale z drugiej strony, ale przecież – But then such methods are practical.
90. Finally – wreszcie, w końcu – Finally, I would like to concentrate on the main issue.
91. In short – krótko mówiąć – In short, it was outrageous.
92. All things considered – w sumie – All things considered, he is a happy man.
93. To sum up – podsumowując – To sum up, there are advantages and disadvantages.
94. To recap – podsumowując – To recap, it can be accepted.
95. To conclude – na zakończenie – To conclude, the translator domesticated the story.
96. In conclusion – kończąc – I would like to say in conclusion, that I admire them.
97. As a conclusion – kończąc – As a conclusion we may quote the poet…
98. Generally speaking – ogólnie rzecz biorąc – Generally speaking, it is not a problem.
99. On the whole – ogólnie rzecz biorąc – On the whole, it is a quite good idea.
100. Lastly – wreszcie, w końcu – …and lastly it is the most popular programme.
Wyświetleń: 3506

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