
Agnieszka Wasilewska, 2014-05-29

Język angielski, Sprawdziany i testy

Kartkówka z Past simple

- n +

II. Past simple -uzupełnij zdania, dopisz formę przeczącą i pytającą.
1.My brother ____________________ (clean) my car yesterday.
2.Tom _________________ ( finish) his homework an hour ago.
3.They _____________(travel) to Germany by train last year.
4.The children __________ (listen) to the news on the radio.
5.Your grandma ______________(carry) heavy bags yesterday.
6.You _____________________ (play) chess last weekend.
III. Past simple of irregular verbs.
1.Your sister _______________ (buy) a pair of new jeans last Saturday.
2.She _________________ ( go) to the seaside last week.
3.Our neighbours ________________ (sell) their house last month.
4.Her sisters ____________(drink) some Cola in the morning.
5.Sara __________________ (meet) her boyfriend last year.
6.They ___________________ (have) lunch at 12 o'clock.
Wyświetleń: 879

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