
Jarosław Zawalski, 2012-04-03

Język angielski, Ćwiczenia

Drugi okres warunkowy (second conditional)

- n +

Second conditional

Grammar rules

We use Second Conditional when we talk about imaginary, impossible or improbable situations which describe the present or the future.
Second conditional sentences usually relate to unreal situations. They are also used when we give advice.
If + Past Simple +, + would + infinitive
+ would + infinitive + , if + Past Simple + (comma isn’t obligatory here)
If I were you, I would propose to your girlfriend at once.
I would buy a castle if I won the lottery.


Sandra would be a basketball player if she were taller.
If John studied harder, he would become a doctor.
If he didn’t invite you to a party tonight, we would go to the cinema.
They wouldn’t fall ill so often if they didn’t eat so much fast food.
What would you do if you won one million dollars?
If the bus didn’t come, would you take a taxi?


I. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets.

If you weren’t my friend, I wouldn’t lend you any money. (not be/ not lend)
1. If I …………………… a lot of money, I ……………………… the poor. (win/help)
2. Chris …………… so badly if his parents ……………………… more demanding. (not behave/be)
3. What ………… you …………… if you …………… Brad Pitt in the street? (do/meet)
4. If he ……………… so hard, he …………………… health problems. (not work/not have)
5. If Jane ……………… more time, she ………………………… on holiday again. (have/go)
6. Ben ……………… a nice man if he ………………. so much time watching TV.(be/not spend)

II. Complete the sentences using the given verbs.

move change become happen feel stop

If I were younger, I would change my job.
1. If you ………………… smoking, you would be healthier.
2. We ……………… to Iceland if the weather were nicer there.
3. If I ………………… the Prime Minister, I would spend more money on education.
4. If this house were hers, she ………………… much better here .
5. What …………………… if a big asteroid collided with the Earth?

III. Put the sentences in the correct order to make a chain story.

a. If his health improved, he wouldn’t visit the doctors so often.
b. If he were healthy and rich, he would be a happy man.
c. If Mark had a strong will, he would give up smoking.
d. If he broke this habit, he would be healthier and stronger.
e. If he got less drugs, he would become wealthier.
f. If he went to the physicians more rarely, he would buy less drugs.
1 … ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
2 … ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
3 … ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
4 … ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
5 … ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
6 … ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

IV. Correct the mistakes.

If I would have cucumbers, I would do salad for you.
If I had cucumbers, I would do salad for you.
1. If I had more time and money, I would traveled to China.
2. I would visit the Grand Canyon if I live in Arizona.
3. We would live better if politicians lied so much.
4. If Anna and John weren’t so different, they won’t make a good pair.
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