
Katarzyna Piotrowska, 2011-07-21
Młyniec Drugi

Język angielski, Konspekty

Let's watch a film

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The lesson is based on the film "Swallows and Amazons" (1976; director: Claude Whatham)based on the book, under the same title, by Arthur Ransome.

Students receive photocopies with the tasks before watching the film. While watching the film students take notes and complete multiple choice questions. After the film students complete the open questions in pairs; the answers are checked with the class. Task 13 (summary writing) is set as homework.

Comprehension tasks/questions:

1. What are “Swallow” and “Amazon”?
a) the names of birds
b) the names of two girls
c) the names of two boats
d) pirates
2. The story is set in:
a) Great Britain
b) Australia
c) United States of America
d) New Zealand
3. The children don’t go to school, because:
a) they are too young
b) they don’t like going to school
c) they are too big, they are university students
d) they are on holidays
4. The children from the Walker family are:
a) Nancy and Peggy
b) Joseph, Sue, Rudy and Teresa
c) John, Susan, Titty and Roger
d) Amazon, Titty, Swallow, John
5. The children from the Blackett family are:
a) Nancy and Peggy
b) Joseph, Sue, Rudy and Teresa
c) John, Susan, Titty and Roger
d) Amazon, Titty, Swallow, John
6. What is the name of the island?
a) Treasure Island
b) Pirate Island
c) Swallow Island
d) Wild Cat Island
7. Are Swallows and Amazons friends?
8. Are there pirates in the film?
9. Is the story dangerous/exciting/ embarrassing/ interesting/ boring (etc.)?
10. What type of film is it? (horror, comedy, drama, documentary, cartoon, detective film, adventure film etc.)
12. Do you know any similar film?
13. Write in your own words a summary of the film.
Wyświetleń: 1330

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