
Monika Braun, 2011-05-31

Język angielski, Scenariusze


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I believe it’s a good variation for St. Patrick’s Day or any other day when you may do something different.
The traditional Irish dancing is much more complicated than the basic steps presented here, but students may have fun trying.
It would be great if you had a chance to show them some real Irish dancing (easy to find on the Internet)


I. Draw a figure of a person and label the parts of the body: with the following words

foot (feet), heel, toes, knee, arm, neck, hand, hip,
shoulder, head, elbow, sole,

II. Read and draw the right and left feet in the correct position.

The heel of your right foot should be by the toes of your left foot, 90° to each other.

III. In pairs show, draw or explain what these expressions mean:
lift your leg, keep it straight
curled forwards soles of the shoes
kick your lower back hop
step forward

IV. Read this part and try to do the jumps.
Keep your arms straight and by your sides.
Start in basic position. Lift your front leg keeping it straight with the toes curled forward.
DON’T’ lift too high. DON’T show the soles of your shoes.
Jump off the back leg onto the raised one, kicking your lower back with the back foot, all at the same time.
Step forward onto the foot which was ‘back’ just in front of the other one.

V. Read this part and try to do the hops.
Keep your arms straight and by your sides.
Start in basic position. Hop on the back foot as high as possible.
Land on the same foot.
At the same time try to kick the hip of the back leg with the front foot brought up across the knee of the back leg.

Wyświetleń: 896

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